Monday, May 25, 2009

13/05/2009 - Conclusions from the low carbon society symposium

Overall the symposium achieved one of the main goals of TrinityHaus, to communicate on a multidisciplinary level in order to achieve unique solutions to ubiquitous problems. A common theme that emerged from many of the speakers was that communication of the facts, be they about actual energy usage and production, biofuels or microgeneration, to the general public is essential if we are to take a realistic step towards a low carbon society. Science and technology will always be important in achieving our goals but people and communities must be informed and involved. It is also important to think globally but act at the local level as tangible results can be observed quickly which will encourage people to continue to work towards a low carbon society.


  1. Thankyou for setting up the Trinity Haus blog website, excellent work throughout in organising all the various speakers and events to date. Best of luck with the institution going forward.

    I compiled together a couple of words here:

    For peoples' reading at their leisure.

    Brian O' Hanlon

  2. The following article published in 'Construct Ireland' this month completely contradicts what Duncan Stewart was saying about Ireland's performance in terms of energy efficieny over the last 10 years - who is the more correct?

  3. hi joan, i'll be interested to read that over the weekend and see what it says, there's a lot of conflicting data and views at the moment which is part of the problem

